Lois Vanessa Erhart
English and German speaking Midwife in Berlin

Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum
However you wish your pregnancy and birth to be, it is important to have a midwife accompanying you along the way. This can be in the form of prenatal check ups, additional consultations, childbirth preparation classes and helpful individual advice for you and your baby.
I gave birth to my babies in 2021, 2023 & 2024 at home and look forward to supporting families again soon.
I will not be accompanying any Homebirths until the end of 2025 but am very happy to help you decide on the best birthing location for you.
However easy or difficult your birth may have been you are entitled to help and regular visits at home. During a postpartum visit I will check up on you and your new baby and help you feel calm and confident as a family. As well as individual care during the 4th trimester I offer breastfeeding consultations and help you decide how best to feed your baby when they are ready for solid foods.

A little bit about me
I was born & raised in beautiful Scotland in 1993. After high school I decided to come to Germany for a year, but ended up staying.
In 2014 I began my midwifery training & in 2017 I moved to Berlin to be a freelance midwife. I joined the Geburtshaus Charlottenburg Team of midwives & in 2019 left to focus on Homebirths.
Although I was pregnant in 2021 I was able to assist other mothers at their homebirths before giving birth to my daughter in our little flat.
In 2022 I went straight back into accompanying families with pregnancies, homebirths & postpartum care before giving birth to my son at home in the bath in 2023.
After a busy summer caring for families before and after their births, I gave birth to our daughter at home in October 2024, in the same pool and the same room i birthed my eldest daughter three years earlier.
Becoming a mother has been a real asset in how I practice midwifery. It gave me new insight & I've enjoyed being a midwife even more since giving birth to my children.
I live in Bergmannkiez with my husband, our three children & big dog & feel grateful everyday that I am able to help families in a way that feels right to me not only as a midwife but as a mother & woman too.
Care during Pregnancy & Postpartum
During my care with you I will offer monthly Check-ups (Vorsorgen) & after week 30 of pregnancy, every two weeks.
At these appointments I will check your physical & mental well-being, the position & size of the baby, listen to the baby's heartbeat & perform any necessary blood tests.
I will always plan in enough time, so that both you & your partner can ask all of your questions.
After you have given birth in your preferred birthing location, I offer care after birth (ambulante Geburt, provided everything goes smoothly) which means that you are able to go home 4 hours after birth & I will meet you there. If you decide to stay a night of two in the clinic then I will come & see you when you get settled at home.
The postpartum care consists of regular checks of the baby's physical & emotional development and the general well-being of the new family.
The care postpartum is focused on the mother. It is my strong belief that when she is well taken care of, she can provide what her baby needs the best. I take plenty of time to check that your physical & mental recovery after pregnancy & birth takes place and that you can gently find your way into your new role.
Childbirth Preparation Classes for Couples in English
Welcome Parents!​
I have been offering Childbirth Preparation Classes in English & German since 2017 & really love meeting couples, answering their questions & encouraging them to view pregnancy, childbirth & postpartum as an exciting new journey.
My aim during the course is to leave you with confidence about your own abilities as a couple & parents & reduce any fears or worries by giving you enough information, tools & advice. Its a wonderful way to connect with other English speaking couples & get excited about childbirth.
The partner fee of 160€ is usually at least partly covered by your health insurance company, but please get in touch if you are unsure about this. The mother's fee is always fully covered by her health insurance company.
The course can be started at any time during the pregnancy but should be completed ideally by week 34.
Please book using the link below and book as soon as possible as these classes get full very quick!
Baby's First Massage Course in English
Welcome Parents!
I'm very excited to be offering a Baby massage course in English!
It's a wonderful way to bond with your baby, calm your baby and meet other english speaking parents!
If you felt you weren't able to bond with your baby straight after birth, please know you are not alone! My aim is to remind you that it's never too late, and to create an environment to help with re-bonding.
These particular calming massaging tecniques can be especially benificial for babies born via Vaccumextraction, c-section or born very quickly or under stressful circumstances.
Treat yourself and your baby to a lovely relaxing afternoon.
The course takes place over four weeks during which time you will learn how to massage your baby so that you can continue this beautiful ritual at home too!
The course fee is 100€ for one parent and 150€ for two parents and the massage techniques used are suitable for babies from the age of 6 weeks to toddling.
Please use the link to book a baby massage course. The tend to fill up quickly! ​
An Introduction to Solid Foods/ Beikostberatung
Introduction to Solid Foods Course in English
Please book german courses via the Hebammenpraxis am Kleistpark Website!
Welcome Parents!
During the Introduction to Solid Foods course we will discuss the best time to start solid foods, how to introduce them, basic recipes and will leave enough time for questions.
The course is an hour long but you are welcome to join more than once if you have a lot of questions! Just make sure you book all the weeks you wish to take part in!
The course is covered by your insurance.
Please let me know if your partner is joining you as I will reserve two spaces. Partners (or grandparents) welcome but
I ask that if joining, they please donate 10€ min. to Feed the Children.
Baby's first Massage Course is 11:30-12:30!
You are welcome to book that too and spend the afternoon!
As the courses book out quickly, it's best to reserve a space as soon as possible!
Common Questions
When is the best time to reach out to a midwife?
As soon as possible! In order for us to get to know eachother very well, its best to find a midwife and establish a relationship as early as possible. Most midwives like to plan their year in advance and they can get booked up very quickly.
Are our appointments confidential?
Yes! I will always ask your permission before sharing any information with my collegues or your gynacologist and it is up to you who you bring along to your appointments.
How will we know if you are right for our unique circumstances?
One of the reasons i moved to Berlin was so that i could care for a diverse group of clients. In the last 6 years I have been fortunate enough to have gained experience with single mothers, queer families, expats, vulnerable families, displaced families and those with additional physical needs. one of the most important things is to establish a healthy working relationship with your midwife and the best way to do this is by meeting them and voicing any concerns you may have.
Are we able to do a Childbirth preperation class with you?
I will be offering Childbirth preperation courses in English in 2024 and will have a booking link on my website closer to the time. I also offer Childbirth Preperation Classes one on one for clients expecting a complicated delivery, twin births, premature baby or C-section. Please send me a message using the contact form.
Do I still need a midwife if this isn't my first pregnancy?
You are entitled to a midwife no matter how often you have been pregnant before. Each pregnancy, birth and postpartum is unique.
You don't have avalability, where should I look now?
It can be very frustrating looking for a midwife but please don't give up! I would suggest contacting your health insurance company and asking them to help you find a midwife in your area or using the site Ammely or the Facebook page 'Hebammenvermittlung Berlin'.
Do I need a midwife during the pregnancy if I already have a gynacologist?
A midwife is able to do everything a gynacologist offers except the three reccomended scans during the pregnancy. It is entirely your choice who you choose to work with but most midwives and gynacologists are very happy to work together to give you the best care.
Are you able to help with forms such as Elterngeld?
Iknow how confusing all the paperwork can be and am very happy to help you navigate your way through the beaurocracy.
Will my insurance cover the Costs?
If you are insured privately or with one of the main health insurance companies all the costs will be covered by them. If you're unsure feel free to get in touch.